Horse Sense

Atlantic States Gay Rodeo Association

Jan 20, 2020

Rodeo Health and Safety Newsletter #7
from your IGRA Health and Safety Committee 2000

Rodeo Contestant Injuries: Reporting and Trending by IGRA

by Brian Helander, RN, MHSA

IGRA is very interested in monitoring and evaluating rodeo event contestant injuries. In 2002, the IGRA Health and Safety Committee established a standard (voluntary) injury reporting tool to capture data related to contestant injuries. The reporting tool is anonymous and contains no contestant or reporter tracking information. All IGRA contestants and officials are encouraged to report injuries to the Health and Safety Committee. The reporting tool is available from the rodeo secretary, checklist trustee or on the on the IGRA Web site (

The reporting tool collects 14 data elements that are compiled, reviewed, and reported at the annual IGRA convention. The data elements are date, rodeo location, event, gender, contestant level, treatment, brief description of injury, prior injuries contributing to the injury, and rodeo contact information such as arena director and rodeo director. Injury trends and rates are reported at several times and at the annual convention.

The important point for all IGRA contestants, members and member associations is to make every effort to report injuries that occur to contestants. Duplicate reports are accepted and will be evident to the committee. Names of injured contestants are not collected and the reporting tool contains no personal information. The IGRA Health and Safety Committee strongly urge the reporting of any and all rodeo related injuries. Ask your Trustee for more information or if you have any questions about "Rodeo Injuries Reported" to date..

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